President’s Letter

Dear Community Partners,
On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Vero Beach Air Show. I am pleased to announce that the U.S. Navy Blue Angels will be returning to the Vero Beach Regional Airport on May 3 - 5, 2024. We are honored that the Blue Angels have chosen to return to Vero Beach once again and they will be joined by a fantastic line-up of Civilian and other Military performers. Our Board, as well as many other volunteers are busy planning this community event and without your support, we could not produce the show.
First established in 2011, Vero Beach Air Show, Inc. is a 501(c)3 corporation. Our show introduces people of all ages to aviation and Vero's unique heritage as a Naval Air Station during World War II.
In addition to providing a big boost to the local economy, proceeds from our show benefit the Veteran's Council of Indian River County and child abuse prevention by the Indian River and Vero Beach Exchange Clubs. Further, monies are donated to a whole host of other local charities whose members volunteer before, during, and after the show.
The enclosed Sponsorship Package outlines the many sponsorship opportunities. Benefits include advertising, booths, display space for your company name and logo on our website and printed materials. Many of these packages include admission to our Friday night Air Show and VIP party, VIP parking, and VIP admission for Saturday and Sunday shows. Friday evening's VIP party also affords you the opportunity to meet the Blue Angels and our Civilian performers.
The Board of Directors would like to thank you in advance for considering these Sponsorship opportunities for the 2024 Vero Beach Air Show.
Kindly contact our Sponsorship Coordinator, Diana Walker at (772) 473-3723 or via email at to discuss a package to fit your needs.
Robert K. Lucas
Our Charities

Veterans Council of Indian River County
Exchange Club of Indian River
Exchange Club of Vero Beach
H.A.L.O. No-Kill Rescue
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